Determining the usefulness of performance indicators and cumulative effects assessment as management tools to enhance management,
Evaluating management effectiveness, and
Developing a comprehensive management system for protected areas based on the strengths of ecosystem-based management and environmental management systems.
Supervisory Committee Members:
Dr. Dixon Thompson (Supervisor), Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
Dr. Michael Quinn, Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
Master's in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM. Thesis: Effects of food addition on population dynamics and community structure of tropical small mammals.
Courses: mediation and negotiation (Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society).
Working experience:
Research Assistant at the Laboratoy of Ecology and Conservation of Wildlife, with Dr. Gerardo Ceballos, Institute of Ecology. UNAM (Instituto de Ecología, IE, 1992-1999) doing fieldwork, assisting in project management, and directing students in projects related to ecology of tropical small mammals.
Professor of Hydrology and Conservation of Natural Resources (1994-1999), in the Department of Geography, Open University, UNAM (Geografia, Sistema de Universidad Abierta UNAM), where I also taught a course on Soil Science. Teacher assistant in other courses: Biodiversity (1995, IE UNAM) and Environmental Reserves (EVDS, 2002).
My goal is to merge my academic background with my passion for mountains. While I was active practicing mountaineering, caving, and competing in rock climbing, I joined other Latin-American women. Together we founded the Latin-American Union of Mountaineering Women (1998-1992) to promote interchange and friendship among mountaineering women in the region. I also collaborated with the Mexican Federation of Mountaineering (Now Mexican Federation of Climbing and Mountain Sports) as National Coordinator of Ecology/Mountain Protection (1992-1996) and National Coordinator of Rock Climbing (1996). Currently I am collaborating with the Alberta Orienteering Association evaluating the environmental impacts of orienteering at the Bow Valley Provincial Park (Alberta).
My publications include brochures, short papers related to environmental education for mountaineers, collaborations for books on biology of small mammals, and recently, a review of cumulative effects assessment for protected areas in Canada (in collaboration with Dr. William Ross, form EVDS, and Dr.Harry Spaling, from the King's University College, Edmonton). With Dr. Thompson and Dr. Quinn (EVDS), I am working on a paper on an Ecosystem-Based Management System for Protected Areas. I collaborated with the editorial committees of the Mexican Association of Maztozoology (AMMAC) and the Mexican Federation of Mountaineering.
My Resume, C.V., and copies of some of the publications are available upon request.
Angeles Mendoza Durán
Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Environmental Design
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive, NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Telephone: (403) 585-5525
Fax: (403) 289-6205